Just Enough Dimensions

Just Enough Dimensions


Non-Respawnable dimensions dont function properly with Vertically stacked dimensions mod

TheQKnight opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Defining a dimension in Just Enough Dimensions as non-respawnable doesnt work with Vertically stacked dimensions. It just respawns me in the dimension anyway. When i remove vertically stacked dimensions, the intended behavior is produced and i get respawned in the overworld like i should. I wasn't sure whether to post this in VSD github or here, so i'll post it in both.

Just enough dimensions config:

"config_version": {
"id": "__default",
"version": 0
"dimensions": [
"dim": 10,
"dimensiontype": {
"id": 10,
"name": "Underworld",
"suffix": "_dim10",
"keeploaded": false,
"worldprovider": "WorldProviderSurfaceJED",
"require_exact_match": true
"jed": {
"CanRespawnHere": false,
"RespawnDimension": 0,
"SkyColor": "ff8888",
"SkyRenderType": 1,
"SkyDisableFlags": 7
"worldinfo_onetime": {
"GameRules": {
"doDaylightCycle": false
"DayTime": 18000


Does VSD also register the dimension, or how does it work? Or does it override or modify something about the dimension? You can run the /jed debug command inside that dimension to get a bunch of useful info printer to the console. The WorldProvider that is in use is what matters in this case.


Thats a good question. I'll do some more testing here in a bit