[1.12.2] Missing capability with Wizardry when attempting DIY Ore profiling via in-game command
aking4125 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Using the /profile command in any dimension causes the game to crash with the following crash log. I think this is the Wizardry mod in question.
Not to be confused with Electroblob's Wizardry. I think
Sorry if this was already reported.
I would advice to also report this to the wizardry mod in question as it might be something I can't fix on my side.
Wizardry dev here, @way2muchnoise your DummyWorld and FakeClientWorld are constructed such that instances remain in an invalid state from being a capability provider which has not gone through capability initialization. In this specific case, DummyWorld
should be overriding has/getCapability
to delegate to the wrapped world and the FakeClientWorld
should do this during construction:
capabilities = ForgeEventFactory.gatherCapabilities(this, null);