JER Not Working/Showing in Server Only
tobymeg1 opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Is there an existing issue for this?
Yes, it seems this is a widespread issue amongst plenty in the issues.
Current Behavior and Findings
Mob Loot and Ore Tabs in recipe lookup for JER are Non-existent when playing on my Dedicated ATM9-0.3.4 server. But when playing single-player, they show/work just fine. Same setup both times, the same instance, just completely different behaviors. At the same time, two other players playing on the same dedicated server can see the Mob Loot and Ore Tabs when looking up recipes for items. That's a completely weird behavior to me.
Expected Behavior
To be able to see the Mob Loot and Ore Tabs provided by JER when looking up recipes of items and how to find them on multiplayer servers.
Local Environment
- Operating System: Windows 10 (Client) / Proxmox (Server)
- RAM: 24gb allocated, 64gb total
- Java Version: 17
- Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
- Modpack: ATM9-0.3.4
- Other Mods Installed: These are installed solely to get rid of the "Enable Connected Textures" when using an HD texture pack.
Sinytra Connector-1.0.0-beta.46+1.20.1,
Forgified Fabric API-0.92.2+1.11.8+1.20.1 - Shaders: BSL Original_v8.3
- Resource Pack: Patrix_1.20_128x: Addon, Basic, Items, and Mobs all added
Solutions and Remedies Tried
- I've tried the fixes outlined in other postings:
- disableLootManagerReloading = true in JEResources.toml (both client and server)
- disableLootManagerReloading = true in jeresources-common.toml (both client and server)
- mixin.perf.resourcepacks=false in modernfix-mixins.properties (both client and server)
- cacheResources = false in forge-resource-caching.toml (both client and server)
- Delete configs on both client and server to have them recreated. Nothing changed
- I've tried a different user profile thinking maybe it's my user data associated with the server. Logged in with an alt account that has never been on the server before, same results and behavior.
- Pulled new downloads of the same updated version of JER for both server and client
- I've completely deleted the instance, re-downloaded it, created a fresh install, and logged into the server. Nothing. Im at my wits end here.
- I've even tried a completely different launcher. Curseforge, Multi-MC port, you name it. WAIT
- Upon trying CurseForge, compared to my choice for all my packs MultiMC (where I port it over from CurseForge), the tabs show up! So whatever MultiMC is doing to the pack when loading, it's messing something up. I do frequently see a Quark error "Quark (quark) has failed to load correctly java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 492 out of bounds for length 0" but have passed it off as nothing and usually would just reload the pack and wouldn't see it again. Here is the latest log for boot to try and trace down what is happening here.
All and all, it seems my choice of launcher and porting the pack over to it was doing something unknown and can't really crackdown as to what. But, now you might have an idea into what might be wrong with other people's issues with JER not showing up as there seems to be plenty without explanation. It could quite possibly be the Launcher they are using.
UPDATE 12/4/24: After logging into the server the next day, I found the Tabs missing from the server once again. Now I am truly confused as to what is going on. They were working last night, now they are gone. On the CurseForge launcher. Nothing has changed from the instance last night to this morning. So now I'm back to square one and will be re-opening this now.
As previously stated, I fixed this upon trying a different launcher, but I wanted to still write this all up for anyone in the future who might see this, and for the developers to look into.
Here are some new logs. The first is a successful boot, the second is a boot where the tabs don't show while logged into a server
Successful Boot (Tabs are shown in server): https://mclo.gs/d382Uti
Failed Boot (Doesn't show the tabs in server): https://mclo.gs/qLzLapo
Quick look on the surface, something is very much happening with the addition of Sinytra Connector-1.0.0-beta.46+1.20.1, Continuity-3.0.0-beta.5+1.20.1, Forgified Fabric API-0.92.2+1.11.8+1.20.1 to removed the "Enable Connected Textures" as that is the only thing I remember doing when remaking the pack on the successful boot compared to the Failed boot.
Edit: Woke up the next day and logged into the server to find even on CurseForge, the Tabs are now gone again!
Andddd I am back..... It was all false hope. They just made a spitoff version which blantly calls out Forgified Fabric API being needed for Continuity to work. But at the end of the day, still need Forgified Fabric API and still has issues with JER not showing on Servers only. Soooo ball is back in JER/Forgified Fabric API court to see what is going on here based on the logs
After further inspection and deleting mods, it seems like Forgified Fabric API-0.92.2+1.11.8+1.20.1 is the culprit as it was the last "new" added mod and still presented an issue. This now comes to be an issue because something like that is needed for Connector which is then needed for Continuity to disable the "Enable Connect Textures" look on blocks....
As I was going through all of this, the maker of Continuity released a Forge version of the mod, completely negating the need for Forgified Fabric or Connector. After looking, it also seems that Embeddium was updated to have Fabric Rendering API included now, so that is probably the reason Forgified Fabric is causing an issue, but Continuity for Fabric would never let the pack load alone with it (as the claimed). Regardless, everything just works now and that is all! For anyone seeing this issue later, Forgified Fabric API is more than likely your issue.