- 5
[1.14.4] Profile & DIY Data
#219 opened by NielsPilgaard - 4
NoSuchFieldError when loading world
#218 opened by CoffeeCatRailway - 1
[1.14] Chest opening animation appears stiff/low framerate
#217 opened by IronPiston - 1
[1.14.4] Enchantment Blacklist Config doesn't work
#214 opened by NielsPilgaard - 2
Missing plant drop: "Beetroot" - JustEnoughResources-1.14.4-
#213 opened by UncleSam139 - 1
[1.12.2] Mob Drop entity not shown fully?
#212 opened by pimalel233 - 2
[1.14.4-] Graph doesn't display Y level on mouseover
#211 opened by trevorjd - 6
Mob drops and dungeon chests don't work, in 1.14
#210 opened by kerrschtein - 1
[1.14.4-10.0.66] 1.12.2 holdover with modded entity name localisations
#209 opened by noobanidus - 9
JER causing errors or crashes when viewing Mob Drops window containing mobs "ponified" by Mine Little Pony mod.
#208 opened by KandiPanda - 2
[1.14.4] Confusion re JERAPI
#207 opened by noobanidus - 2
mod incompat jei/jer with ultimate car mod villager(1.14.4) forge
#206 opened by SDUBZ - 4
Mob Drops & Villager Trades show nothing with OptiFine
#204 opened by kyazuki - 4
Please support 1.14.4 (Forge)
#203 opened by sepsol - 2
[Feature Request] [1.12.2] Lycanites Mobs and Fire and Ice integration
#202 opened by Agret-Brisignr - 2
JER_profile Crash with H&CMod
#201 opened by iamweirdie - 1
Profiling does not appear to be working properly
#200 opened by Zygus42 - 1
Crashes/freezes while profiling.
#199 opened by Silgon85 - 1
JEI and JER crash
#198 opened by adran06 - 2
NPE from FakeClientWorld
#197 opened by LuminescentMoon - 1
Suggestion: Ore gen graphs should display ores from mods and other dimensions as well as which dimensions they are found etc.
#195 opened by SirAron111 - 2
This mod is not showing the ore gen graph
#194 opened by Slayrix - 3
Profiling individual dimensions clobbers data for other dimensions
#193 opened by maladaptly - 5
OOM crash while profiling if there are a large number of dimensions
#192 opened by maladaptly - 2
Gold Ore Generation Graphs do not show proper biome information from 1.10 onward
#191 opened by DoomRater - 0
[] villager trades broken
#190 opened by ilvrak - 1
JER failing to load
#189 opened by Spaceboii - 2
[REQUEST] Detection of more modded crops via JER
#188 opened by Sunconure11 - 1
Option to show graphs based on drops
#186 opened by TwilightPSN - 0
No exception info when villagers loaded incorrectly
#185 opened by yrsegal - 1
Dim not named when profiling
#184 opened by BubbaVB - 0
Duplicate language id
#183 opened by raspopov - 6
/Profile Causes Crash Exception In Server Tick Loop
#182 opened by Ice-Arrow - 0
Enigmatica 2 Expert Skyblock: Failed to register mod categories: class jeresources.jei.JEIConfig
#181 opened by mitchej123 - 3
JER tabs not showing up
#180 opened by michelegargiulo - 1
Configurable block blacklist
#179 opened by TheDeviantCrafter - 1
Better support for bees
#178 opened by TheDeviantCrafter - 3
Blocks with a wide range of drops are poorly supported
#177 opened by TheDeviantCrafter - 2
[Requets] Option to change the /profile command, quetsion to avoid problem
#176 opened by Fireztonez - 2
Thermal Foundation’s Mob Drops
#175 opened - 2
100% shows up as 1.0E+02%
#174 opened by aaronhowser1 - 3
/profile crashes game
#173 opened by Carub37 - 1
game crash when i searching page.
#172 opened by mingruolv - 0
Obscure error at boot
#171 opened by LemADEC - 2
Unbreaking enchantment still shows in JEI when blacklisted
#170 opened by JadeFalcon - 5
Dungeon Loot does not show every object and Entities do not render properly depending on GUI scale
#169 opened by sor1n - 1
Crash in overworld when /profile is used
#168 opened by Test-Questions - 9
Crash running the /profile command if The Betweenlands mod is installed
#167 opened by enricotagliavini - 1
JER Doesn't work with the other Dimension (FTB Revelation)
#166 opened by Karmalefique - 1
Villager Trade Levels
#165 opened by Robijnvogel