- 1
[IDEA] Future MC support
#1485 opened by vico93 - 6
Cannot Remove Books from Other Mods
#1483 opened by Lyigh - 2
#1484 opened by elgordo42 - 1
A few ideas for Grindstone Sharper Tools
#1471 opened by Delfite - 4
Player's inventory is deleted on death if player heads are active
#1472 opened by mtlballer - 6
Server Player Death error
#1473 opened by A5ho9999 - 1
Beautified Chat - 1.19 release for Fabric
#1475 opened by SyberiaK - 7
village spawn point didn't spawn me in village
#1474 opened by githubuser98k - 1
Player Tracking server-side only?
#1476 opened by IfgiU - 1
GUI Compass Fabric 1.19.3
#1477 opened by ElectricBullet - 0
GUI Clock: Changing 'Show Days Played World' via Mod Menu
#1479 opened by QuixoticKnife - 0
suggestion: a mod that allows crops to be placed in non-farmland dirt blocks, such as coarse dirt, grass, dirt and podzol
#1478 opened by matheusvingadouro - 13
Generated starter structure gets corrupted and scattered
#1480 opened by Inonedn - 1
Gatekeeper villager name missing
#1481 opened by Bmedina82 - 2
#1482 opened by Surpos0 - 1
Drinking milk causes the saturation position to change
#1518 opened by fanrenla - 11
Village Spawn Point doesn't work if MC language other than English is selected
#1519 opened by bons66 - 7
Cant config Tree Harvester
#1520 opened by MissMagz - 2
[Crash] "treeharvester Crash on entering Tardis Refined interior for first time
#1521 opened by AlienXtream - 0
Allow adding Unbreakable to items
#1488 opened by xSnufflesx - 0
Replanting Crops - Make villagers auto replant modded crops
#1486 opened by Carter121 - 1
Text Shadows
#1487 opened by RaptaG - 2
Omegamute does not work with Botania
#1490 opened by uhloin - 1
3 Blocks get deleted when placing beacon
#1489 opened by Sneakery16 - 10
wither skulls not.. always dropping :(
#1491 opened by jorjaaa - 1
Conduits prevent all hostiles
#1492 opened by cashew227 - 0
compatibility request
#1493 opened by spaghettube - 1
tridentUseDuration doesn't work
#1494 opened by ANormalRaft - 1
GST: Stacking Damage Modifiers
#1496 opened by Ariostraza - 2
offhand and mainhand briefly appear when pressing LMB or RMB on empty main hand, mod configurations don't save
#1497 opened by edl411 - 2
Hoe Tweaks modded compat
#1498 opened by Frzncore - 1
Manure - Bees produce manure
#1499 opened by Frzncore - 0
player heads and nicknames mod compatibility
#1501 opened by william7733 - 1
[Crying Portals] Forced linking
#1500 opened by AlienXtream - 0
Name the Modded MC launcher
#1502 opened by EightBitBBQ - 1
Crying Portals 1.19.2 not working
#1503 opened by spencer-n1 - 4
Server crash with latests version of Collective 1.18.2
#1504 opened by DelviousCrafts - 4
Is there a config for the "Stack Refill" mod?
#1505 opened by simpl1city - 1
deathbackup not making a backup for geyser players
#1506 opened by Ai-Kiwi - 1
GUI Clock / GUI Compass (Fabric) are not automatically hidden in the debug screen.
#1507 opened by MarkusBordihn - 6
Can no longer load mods after updating to the latest version of `collective`
#1508 opened by ChristopherHaws - 1
Syntax related question
#1509 opened by Willow321Go - 1
Grindstone Sharper Tools require a grinding process
#1510 opened by ArchiDreamZ - 2
Grindstone Sharper Tools requires language files
#1511 opened by ArchiDreamZ - 1
Fire Spread Tweaks Config Option to let fires still burn down blocks
#1512 opened by dimondking2016 - 1
Double Doors not working
#1513 opened by TheSlowmaster - 0
Minecells adds undying/protected mobs by default
#1514 opened by GeneralMine - 0
Issue with apotheosis affix items
#1517 opened by SheldonPlankton - 2
Surface Mushrooms
#1515 opened by sternschnaube - 1
carpet dyeing recipes not working as expected
#1516 opened by frizzalot