- 2
Config option for GUI Compass
#1783 opened by krookodilehunter - 2
[Starter Kit] multiple start kits
#1784 opened by kaairu - 4
Does NOT work on the server, only in single player
#1785 opened by QueenUlyana - 0
Tetra Axe doesn't receive honing progress from Tree Harvester features.
#1781 opened by Gantros - 1
Omegamute log spam "[ALSOFT] (EE) AudioUnitRender error: -10863"
#1782 opened by BoostAteHisDog - 3
How to configure?
#1798 opened by Aceplante - 3
Omega Mute on 1.19.2 Forge with Collective 6.53 cannot load at all
#1799 opened by Syampuuh - 2
Mineral Chance triggers on player placed stone
#1786 opened by FireStryker - 1
Enhancement Request
#1787 opened by K4N0 - 1
Blast Furnace & Smoker Recipe Book GUI
#1788 opened by ImWhiff - 1
[Biome Spawn Point] Spawning in `mushroom_fields` doesn't work all the time
#1789 opened by thimblebird - 1
Doesn't mute Better Call Saul
#1790 opened by SigmaFlame - 3
Harvest Time Not Working
#1791 opened by MoonstruckDev - 3
Collective has failed to load correctly
#1792 opened by Redclayrob - 4
Doesn't seem to work client side only.
#1793 opened by WoodenJoe - 1
Tree Harvester interaction with Farmer's Respite
#1794 opened by TheMikeHuisman - 1
Apply passive shield defense buff to non-player mobs
#1795 opened by KateYagi - 7
Better nether portal spread Configs
#1796 opened by GrandmaPork - 2
Blacklist certain areas for Tree Harvester functionality
#1797 opened by tompo-live - 0
Tetra Tools with RMB effects (while using Stack Refill) get swapped creating "ghost" tools
#1820 opened by CatAndPaste - 0
Quick trade mod
#1819 opened by Cryptex25 - 6
Doesn't work on the server
#1800 opened by Towux - 1
Click to /tell (whisper)
#1801 opened by Excederus - 13
Tree Harvester crash in 1.20
#1802 opened by willydee - 3
Configurable Despawn Timer Crash with Lycanites Mobs
#1803 opened by Kasia0314 - 6
[Suggestion][Villager Names] Allow the sufixes to be translated
#1804 opened by vico93 - 1
Do NOT follow you through a dimension
#1805 opened by Cixon - 1
The game breaks if you don't write the size of the area
#1806 opened by Laiksion - 2
Tree Harvester is out of sync with the server
#1807 opened by Dr-WeiAL - 1
1.20.1 not working on dedicated fabric server
#1821 opened by MorganMode - 0
[1.18.2]Overweight crops leave behind untilled soil when removed.
#1808 opened by xFirefalconx - 1
Change name color in Beautified Chat
#1809 opened by Aulberon - 3
BlueMap Auto-Area?
#1810 opened by Romaq - 2
Helmet doesn't get placed into chest if `addPlayerHeadToArmorStand` is on
#1811 opened by ravenclaw900 - 0
Chat Heads not showing with Beautified chat mod
#1812 opened by NezzleGod - 0
Trident not working
#1813 opened by bobertbobbob - 4
Disable TNT Breaks Bedrock in Overworld Option
#1814 opened by ringprod - 1
Placeable Blaze Rods - No Arm Swing, No Block Placing Sound
#1815 opened by ringprod - 0
Starting Structure MCStructure
#1816 opened by dreaderinyes - 1
Translate Realistic Bees
#1817 opened by zoe-may - 1
Collective 1.19.2 6.57 breaking Show Me What You've Got!
#1818 opened by SCPRedMage - 1
Config file doesn't do anything
#1822 opened by nbtc971 - 1
Advancement Screenshot does not Screenshot the Advancements
#1823 opened by dazednova - 1
Area name only config option does nothing
#1824 opened by TheOtherworldly - 6
Areas mod: Game crashes and semi-hardlocks world when large number is used for area radius.
#1825 opened by TotallyCool0 - 1
No hostiles around campfire question/idea.
#1826 opened by Dr-Rumack - 1
Modded signs do not work with /areas
#1827 opened by Ch1216 - 1
[FR] Tree attachments such as fruit trees and [FR] shears such as with vines
#1828 opened by skaviouz - 1
Additional recipe(s) for Furnace Recycle
#1829 opened by WilliamBlaze - 3
Items not spawning in when I increase spawn radius
#1830 opened by AIdanNCo