- 4
No Hostiles Around Campfire Server Thread Usage Way Too High
#2026 opened by RegalRuffRaff - 0
[Villager Names] Names not saving
#2027 opened by BTFighter - 4
Stackrefill bug on multiplayer server (including video link)
#2024 opened by CuNe89 - 0
Double Doors Support For Supplementaries Gold and Netherite doors.
#2025 opened by WildFyr16 - 2
Persistent Inventory Search be able to know where the sidebar was
#2050 opened by peow - 2
"Unable to find custom spawn point" on new world generation
#2051 opened by Burgersim - 2
Please remove NeoForge Tag
#2028 opened by TarantelTM - 1
Prevent Mobs From Sitting On Blocks
#2029 opened by Moozipan - 1
Used to be able to sneak to do default/vanilla behavior of opening just one door/trap/gate, can't anymore?
#2030 opened by HatTrkPatrk - 1
All villagers have the same 3 names
#2031 opened by HatTrkPatrk - 1
Question about Pet Names and Villager Names mod.
#2032 opened by Minebrah - 1
Anvil Restoration Dispenser Support
#2033 opened by Sweek9 - 1
[Suggestion] Using nbt on the blacklist
#2034 opened by crebid - 2
Player Tracking compass config?
#2035 opened by OneCrazyD - 5
Biome Spawn Point - No flooded caves at spawn?
#2036 opened by generikb - 3
double gates
#2037 opened by s4sutler100 - 1
Bugs with Aether mods
#2038 opened by minecraftscy - 6
game crashes when loading world with random village names
#2039 opened by Zer0c00L6981 - 4
GUI Clock & GUI Compass incompatibility with Auto HUD
#2040 opened by Crendgrim - 1
[Villager Names] Bug Causes Server Crash - java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: femalenames
#2041 opened by skeddles - 1
Mod Incompatibility - Simply Swords manual still spawns at character creation
#2042 opened by MLMII - 0
Even if you are grabby, you should always drop what you grab when you die.
#2043 opened by bshuler - 1
Villagers do not show with names.
#2044 opened by Andy608 - 1
Fall though slime
#2045 opened by Acat1234 - 1
Starter Structure Dimensional Config
#2047 opened by dreckz - 0
GiantSpawn AI doesn't use follow_range attribute (or is broken). Also Villagers are not scared of them (they should)
#2046 opened by lumagatto - 0
Minor issue with Lucky's cozy home
#2048 opened by BluSodah - 1
Allow multiple starter structures
#2049 opened by adamico - 2
Tree Harvester: "Find Bottom Block" option doesn't work
#2067 opened by robosoup2 - 1
starter strucutre idea: in a config have a true and false option to spawn your strucutre in a modded biome or minecraft biome
#2064 opened by Thunderrock424242 - 1
Beautified Chat - luckyperms
#2065 opened by dakiba - 1
[Villager Names] Lowercase custom names
#2066 opened by Haruspik - 2
[Villager Names] Names are never Capitalized
#2052 opened by wrsgwergergwer - 4
Villager names just crashes
#2053 opened by Arathorne - 2
Harvester not working
#2054 opened by Lukatony1000 - 1
Chocolate Milk Logic
#2055 opened by Sweek9 - 1
Healing Soup Scope
#2056 opened by Sweek9 - 1
Prefix display
#2057 opened by DefomCode - 1
Ticking Entity crash while killing zombies.
#2058 opened by Devestatio - 1
Dragon Drops ANYTHING (suggestion)
#2059 opened by BumbleTree - 2
Suggestion: Configurable Despawn Timer - Item Protection/Invincibility Toggle
#2060 opened by TBlazeWarriorT - 1
[Vanilla Zoom] [Bug] Spyglass appears in your offhand even if you don't have one in your inventory
#2061 opened by leftbones - 2
[Vanilla Zoom][Suggestion] Add config options
#2062 opened by leftbones - 1
modifiable tree size limit option
#2063 opened by FudgeDumbo - 1
Game crash on "save and exit to title"
#2068 opened by steve-the-player - 1
Option to only allow crying obsidian as a portal frame.
#2069 opened by laserlemons - 1
Map color should not be used to check for metal doors
#2070 opened by XFactHD - 2
Double Doors breaks camo application on FramedBlocks framed doors
#2071 opened by XFactHD - 1
Healing Campfire - Blacklist mobs suggestion
#2072 opened by YukiNoHana-0 - 7
Crash on launch
#2073 opened by NotNikku