- 1
When dying to the void, place blocks from the player's inventory instead of just cobblestone
#2235 opened by James103 - 2
Keybind for Move Boat/Boat with Chest
#2236 opened by mikes4b22 - 1
[BUG] Invenventory Resets when updating to v6.0
#2234 opened by CathieNova - 1
Curios support for starter kit mod
#2230 opened by JustKenjiX - 3
Double-click To Give An Item Bug?
#2229 opened by Rhett008 - 2
Pumpkillager stuck on dialog?
#2231 opened by JaidenLo - 2
ArrayIndexOOB in StackRefill
#2232 opened by Aivech - 1
Starter Kit version 6.0 issue on MC 1.20.1 version(s) not rendering custom inventory image
#2233 opened by nanonestor - 1
Add a visual border display
#2250 opened by ksk-waqs - 1
Illusioner Spawn
#2251 opened by BaccarWozat - 0
Better Archeology "Archaeologist" death message
#2237 opened by viktordimov - 0
Compatibility with Villager Workers?
#2238 opened by dsniav - 1
Player Death Kick but client-side
#2239 opened by Nuaja - 1
Crash using quarry mod
#2240 opened by THEH4CK3RMAN - 0
#2241 opened by ClementCastex - 2
Does Fortune 3 on the axe affect Tree Harvester leaves drops?
#2242 opened by ftab - 3
Possible Hoe Tweaks Compat for Modded Hoes
#2243 opened by Gamemassa - 3
When starting Starter-kit-6.2 Dedicated on Ubuntu with java-17sdk, errors on startup every time, clean or old world.
#2244 opened by House-Kitty-Mew - 1
GUI Clock/Compass Rendering Overlay crash on startup, 1.19.2, forge
#2245 opened by weirdspecter - 1
Fixed Anvil Repair Cost - New config options
#2246 opened by Silvertide7 - 1
Bug with Starter Kit / Collective?
#2247 opened by nanonestor - 6
Biome Spawn Point not working at any circumtance
#2249 opened by Kiyo-Chan - 1
Dragon Drops Elytra contains a virus
#2248 opened by enduum - 2
Windows Defender mark Collective 7.39 as malware
#2252 opened by michalcz17 - 5
Windows Defender Detected starterkit-1.20.1-6.5.jar as a Trojan
#2253 opened by InputandOutput - 1
Collective gets detected as a Trojan
#2254 opened by timo-steinbrech - 0
It is not working : Biome Spawn Point 1.20.1
#2256 opened by TwelveYO21 - 0
INFO: Windows Defender and Wrongly Detected Trojan + Fix
#2255 opened by ricksouth - 0
Add Villager Names for Priest from Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks
#2257 opened by knavesmith - 0
Mod idea
#2258 opened by mrcisdaduntman - 1
Starter kits commands
#2259 opened by SolarReborn - 1
Manure Block?
#2260 opened by Dumpling00 - 0
Recast: Sporadically throws item at an off angle
#2261 opened by mikes4b22 - 2
Double Fence-Gates: Opens One Only
#2262 opened by Lukuro-Zaw - 1
Use water bottles as an option for transcending tridents
#2263 opened by Shan-Q - 3
Entity Information Config
#2264 opened by gwynhefar - 1
Nether Portal Spread not swapping blocks with metadata
#2265 opened by GoldMikeMan - 0
Told me that mod was downloaded from a bad source, when downloaded from curseforge
#2266 opened by Swoofterkitty - 2
Hidden Recipe Book stops working when switching languages
#2267 opened by tehbertl - 1
Links not clickable while using Beautified Chat (Client)
#2269 opened by taj1994 - 2
How to disable username colour? Beautifed Chat
#2268 opened by TruePureGold - 1
[FEATURE] GUI Clock show day on same line
#2270 opened by nco2k - 1
java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: Async entity load
#2271 opened by Romans96 - 0
Add the ability to pull from hotbar slots when using Stack Refill
#2272 opened by darthvader45 - 0
The Configuration Resets itself
#2273 opened by Daralexen05 - 1
[1.20.1] [ Realistic Bees] Increased Honey "Requirement"
#2274 opened by Sandriell - 2
Crash on Server Join
#2276 opened by blake-lowe - 0
Configurable Extra Mob Drops: Setting a range for drops possible solution/workaround.
#2275 opened by Airos-the-Tiger - 1
Areas loading but not functioning
#2277 opened by Variadicism - 3
[Fabric 1.20.1] Choosing kit GUI client crash
#2278 opened by RyoidenshiRyu