Kingdom Keys 2

Kingdom Keys 2


1.18.2 Crash due to "mobData is null"

BritneyMc0206 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


My game keeps crashing with the error:
[java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "online.kingdomkeys.kingdomkeys.capability.IGlobalCapabilities.getLevel()" because "mobData" is null]
I'm able to load my game & move around a bit, but it randomly crashes with this error. I have tried disabling the Heartless spawning, but there's no change.
I do have other mods that mess with mobs & leveling, but I have no idea how to pinpoint which mod, if any, are incompatible with Kingdom Keys.



Apologies, we are no longer supporting 1.18.2 as it's difficult for us to maintain multiple versions