Kotlin for Forge

Kotlin for Forge


[Question] How are you supposed to use SubscribeEvent in non-mod classes?

filloax opened this issue ยท 1 comments


For instance, let's say I have a ModNetworking class where I want to subscribe to the `RegisterPayloadHandlersEvent' statically, as the class is instanced elsewhere (example: ServiceLoader) so I cannot make it an object.
Do I place @EventBusSubscriber on the class, and @SubscribeEvent on a @JvmStatic method in the companion object?


Here's the correct usage:

class Test {
    // other methods...

    companion object {
        fun onGameStart(event: FMLCommonSetupEvent) {
            println("Test print please ignore")

KFF treats the companion object the same as any other object declaration, so all you need to do is annotate the companion object. No need to use @JvmStatic, KFF will use the object instance.