KotlinForForge disables minecraftLibrary configuration
switefaster opened this issue ยท 4 comments
The minecraftLibrary
dependency configuration and kff-3.7.1.gradle both employ lazyToken to append files to runs' classpath. However, lazyToken takes only one supplier. Thus in practice, one will always take over another's result(in my case, my dependencies are overwritten by kotlin runtimes in the classpath file). Is there any way to solve this?
Use File.pathSeparator
instead of semicolons though, since semicolons work only for Windows systems
Thanks for your solution! Additionally, following code automates the process
minecraft.runs.all {
String previous = lazyTokens['minecraft_classpath'].get()
lazyToken('minecraft_classpath') {
configurations.minecraftLibrary.copyRecursive().resolve().collect {
}.join(File.pathSeparator) + File.pathSeparator + previous
But we need to patch kff-3.7.1.gradle somehow to make it work
repositories {
maven {
name = 'Kotlin for Forge'
url = 'https://thedarkcolour.github.io/KotlinForForge/'