


[1.16.5] Errors in Server Scripts when removing mods from All The Mods 6 To The Sky

MikeThunder308 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


So in All The Mods 6 To The Sky, I removed two mods, AllTheOres and Pedestals. Simply because they combine ingots of other mods into one (AllTheOres) and dusts from Pedestals dont work with Mekanism, when I remove them and reload it I get messages in chat.

KubeJS errors found [87]! Run '/kubejs errors' for more info.

When I do this I get the description of each error like;

[87] server_scripts:u_recipes.js26: Failed to create recipe for type 'cucumber:shaped_no_mirror': {"item":"alltheores:ore_zinc","count":12} is not a valid result!
More info in 'logs/kubejs/server.txt'

When I change the alltheores:ore_zinc for the Mekanism version, I get the same result. Can anyone tell what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it. There is also 66 warnings, the last one is;

[65] Error creating recipe allthemodium:kjs_6fejzbok96qamwfqmtgm1kggn[allthemodium:atmshapeless_crafting]: ("type":"allthemodium:atmshapeless_crafting","ingredients":[[],{"item":"minecraft:experience_bottle"}],"result":{"item":"pedestals:coin/xpdropper","count":1}} com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: Item array cannot be empty, at least one item must be defined.

I have know idea what I have do for this.


Ive managed to fix most of the problems except for 14 of them.

[14] server_scripts:u_recipes.js:26: Failed to create recipe for type 'cucumber:shaped_no_mirror': {"item":"mekanism:ore_zinc","count":12} is not a valid result!

I have no idea what to do for this part.