


Errors in console, Not properly updating scripts for mods added

AlmightyChan opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Below is a clip of the error from the console if this isn't a bug any ideas how to fix it?

[27.06 19:09:10] [Server] [Worker-Main-7/ERROR] [KubeJS Server/]: server_scripts:enigmatica/kubejs/functions.js:42: [iceandfire, tconstruct] were both unaccounted for in mod unification for '#forge:nuggets/copper'
[27.06 19:09:10] [Server] [Worker-Main-7/ERROR] [KubeJS Server/]: server_scripts:enigmatica/kubejs/functions.js:42: [iceandfire, tconstruct] were both unaccounted for in mod unification for '#forge:ingots/copper'
[27.06 19:09:10] [Server] [Worker-Main-7/ERROR] [KubeJS Server/]: server_scripts:enigmatica/kubejs/functions.js:42: [iceandfire, tconstruct] were both unaccounted for in mod unification for '#forge:storage_blocks/copper'
[27.06 19:09:10] [Server] [Worker-Main-7/ERROR] [KubeJS Server/]: server_scripts:enigmatica/kubejs/functions.js:42: [iceandfire, tconstruct] were both unaccounted for in mod unification for '#forge:ores/copper'
[27.06 19:09:13] [Server] [Worker-Main-7/ERROR] [KubeJS Server/]: server_scripts:enigmatica/kubejs/functions.js:42: [iceandfire, tconstruct] were both unaccounted for in mod unification for '#forge:ores/copper'
[27.06 19:09:13] [Server] [Worker-Main-7/ERROR] [KubeJS Server/]: server_scripts:enigmatica/kubejs/functions.js:42: [iceandfire, tconstruct] were both unaccounted for in mod unification for '#forge:storage_blocks/copper'
[27.06 19:09:13] [Server] [Worker-Main-7/ERROR] [KubeJS Server/]: server_scripts:enigmatica/kubejs/functions.js:42: [iceandfire, tconstruct] were both unaccounted for in mod unification for '#forge:ingots/copper'
[27.06 19:09:13] [Server] [Worker-Main-7/ERROR] [KubeJS Server/]: server_scripts:enigmatica/kubejs/functions.js:42: [iceandfire, tconstruct] were both unaccounted for in mod unification for '#forge:nuggets/copper'


This is an issue with the script you took from Enigmatica, add either of the two mods to the unification list to fix it.

For more detailed support, feel free to ask the Enigmatica 6 dev team over on their discord