Please,Can you give some example templates?
blood789 opened this issue · 4 comments
I want to modify the hardness of the original game block, the mining level, the durability of the tool, the mining level, etc., but the website gives too few examples.
tier = tierOptions => {
int uses
float speed
float attackDamageBonus
int level
int enchantmentValue
Ingredient repairIngredient
foodProperties = food => { // note: uses functions instead of a = b
effect(String effectId, int duration, int amplifier, float probability)
removeEffect(String effectId)
For example, I don’t know how to use these 2 types
onEvent('item.modification', event => {
event.modify('minecraft:stone_pickaxe', item => {
item.level = 5
item.enchantmentValue = 20
I wrote it like this, but it didn't work
Alright… I’m on my phone right now, so this might sound weird:
- The things you are asking are structured in thedocs like they are, because they are done in the event like this:
onEvent('item.modification', event => {
event.modify('minecraft:ender_pearl', item => {
item.maxStackSize = 64
item.fireResistant = true
tier = tierOptions => {
// now the level & stuff
- Docs are mentioned under issue #114
Questions like this are most easily rectified by asking in the Discord: Also closing due to lack of response.