- 0
Item Output count for `replaceOutput`
#486 opened by VampireTechnologyLord - 3
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read field "logErroringRecipes" because "dev.latvian.mods.kubejs.server.ServerSettings.instance" is null
#504 opened by otavio-silva - 4
Cannot `/kubejs reload lang` on servers
#505 opened by aaronhowser1 - 6
Conflict with ReinforcedChests/Barrels/ShulkerBoxes mod
#506 opened by PIPILAN - 1
Show items in REI/JEI while game is running
#487 opened by squoshi - 0
`PlayerStatsJS#get` does not work
#490 opened by ChiefArug - 1
Music disc item builder 1.16.5
#491 opened by Dragsio - 4
Cannot make custom item lose durability in a crafting recipe
#492 opened by Abalieno - 1
Not avaible in aternos
#496 opened by ManuWar73 - 1
Changing item ID of bucket
#493 opened by squoshi - 0
ore.chance not working in worldgen event
#497 opened by Nevrai - 0
Add custom leaves block builder to the registry.
#499 opened by cofl - 2
Crash on startup with Colormatic and TerraBlender
#500 opened by SplendidAlakey - 9
Crash when trying to create a new world
#501 opened by Sunconure11 - 4
Confusing error when registering a duplicate typewrapper
#503 opened by ChiefArug - 6
Client crashes on startup
#523 opened by ClaudiusMinimus - 5
Failed to load datapacks
#507 opened by TheButterbrotMan - 6
REI Item Hiding won't work
#508 opened by szunakabeats - 3
[1.19.2] Weird behavior regarding Shapeless Recipes
#509 opened by CobaltTheProtogen - 12
KubeJS/Rhino preventing my game from loading
#510 opened by Druivenpasta - 3
Player ride issue
#513 opened by ripsterdog - 2
Not Vanilla Attribute modify crash
#514 opened by MomoTechNet - 0
Tech Reborn integration is breaking vanilla Tech Reborn recipes
#515 opened by justastranger - 1
Create display link integration
#516 opened by squoshi - 2
Re-add a toResultsJson method
#517 opened by justastranger - 4
Server Crash
#518 opened by MKr4zy - 0
Botany Pots handler incorrect in 1.18.2
#519 opened by Linguardium - 3
Can't join server with a vanilla client (serverOnly is true)
#520 opened by elhertz - 1
Minecraft crashes on launch
#521 opened by alxandree2401 - 3
KubeJS Create and Ponder JS 1.19 Version
#522 opened by alxandree2401 - 2
Powah integration
#524 opened by Sorinstratu - 0
WorldgenEvents.remove printFeatures only outputs minecraft:the_void
#525 opened by jc776 - 3
Latest Kubejs and FTB Quest versions are not compatible [Fabric]
#527 opened by Thepigcat76 - 2
Kubejs don't work
#528 opened by Thollp - 1
`IngredientJS` created during `` event has empty tag context
#530 opened by falxie - 19
NullPointerException might be thrown if you have event.remove/replaceItem. The more events, the higher the chance.
#531 opened by Waoweens - 1
Crash on load with ftb quests
#532 opened by skybix - 2
Can't remove stages with Game Stages, and those devs said KubeJS was breaking it
#533 opened by vizthex123 - 5
KubeJS makes QSL's RecipeManagerHelper not working
#534 opened by JieningYu - 1
[KJS6:Fabric] EntityEvents.spawned doesnt work with entity.minecraft.item
#535 opened by TheonlyTazz - 1
Cannot use ItemEvents.leftClicked because it's missing
#542 opened by TBiscuit1 - 1
Registry Remapping Failed: Received ID map for minecraft:item contains ID unknown to the receiver! - kubejs:aof_logo
#543 opened by Wolcub - 3
KubeJS event jei.hide not working with JEI 10 versions
#536 opened by DelviousCrafts - 2
[1.19.2] KJS6, FoodBuilder eaten handler on item-modification event not working
#538 opened by MrNovado - 1
Crash on latest version of KubeJS
#540 opened by Cyranos - 1
Hang on server start.
#541 opened by Jophire - 6
replaceOutput bug cascading over unrelated recipes
#544 opened by Abalieno - 1
Allow changing the REI grouping keybind
#546 opened by Martmists-GH - 2
Custom Block Textures are broken
#547 opened by MuteTiefling - 0
About server.getEntities()
#549 opened by blacksheep-lzx