L2 Backpack

L2 Backpack


Add item blacklist feature

Hanekmio opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Like lot of same backpack mod,Add blacklist system let some items can't put in backpack.


Which version do you want this feature to be available?
What items do you want this tags to affect?


Which version do you want this feature to be available? What items do you want this tags to affect?

I'm play 1.20.1 often,
About items:like Vanilla shulker box,Supplementaries's sack and safe.
Some modpack/customsize author like this mod but this mod haven't item blacklist system,And it's can avoid NBT data leakage caused by repeated storage of items with storage functions.


Container items such as backpacks and shulker boxes are marked as "This cannot fit into container items" in code already, and I'm already using it.

I will add the black list in case some mods forgot to use the flag.


Container items such as backpacks and shulker boxes are marked as "This cannot fit into container items" in code already, and I'm already using it.

I will add the black list in case some mods forgot to use the flag.

Can you add some dispositions at this mod's config file?
Allows users to add items they don't want to put in backpack.


Do you dislike item tags?


Do you dislike item tags?

I like them,Just do as you decide :)


Released in 2.4.30