L2 Backpack

L2 Backpack


[1.19.2] - Feature Request: Swap to Empty Slot

ToxinZangoose opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Heya, just wanted to ask for a small Quality of Life thing.

As someone who enjoys backpack mods and the like, I love that this mod brings a breath of fresh air to the tried-and-true backpack formula.

I had a blast using this mod but noticed I could only swap tools if I had one in my hand.
Tetra toolbelts do something similar, but I wanted to see your take on this.

Perhaps adding another keybind to swap to offhand or main hand/to an empty hotbar slot would be a great addition to this already fantastic mod?

Again, love this mod, keep up the awesome work!


This is a problem I have when designing this. There are 3 things to swap: arrow, tool, and armor. I need a way to differentiate them. Currently I do bow = swap arrow, tool = swap tool, empty = swap armor. What do you suggest for me to design it otherwise so they don't overlap?


Maybe shift and a new keybind to swap to an empty slot?


So a key bind for tool swap override? Sure I can do it. What should be the default key? Alt?


Alt would be perfect!


Sure. I will do it.


Added in 1.6.2