


Controller loses cursor focus

ClaudiusMinimus opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug
When using the cursor in an inventory, if the cursor is outside the inventory area, then the controller loses cursor focus and I have to use my mouse to regain control of the cursor. When the inventory is closed, then the controller regains control of the cursor.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Open any inventory
  • Move the cursor to the edge of the inventory (outside the inventory slots)
  • Controller loses control of the cursor

Expected behavior
The controller should maintain control of the cursor regardless of the screen position of the cursor.

Please note the highlighted slot in the inventory. With the cursor in this position (on any inventory edge or boundary), the controller loses control of the cursor
2019-12-28_19 12 50

Desktop (please complete the following information):
-OS: Windows 10

  • Minecraft 1.15.1

  • Fabric [e.g. fabric 0.7.2+build.175]

  • Mods appleskin-/mc1.15-fabric-1.0.8, CHAS+v1.3+for+1.15, expandedstorage-3.8.33+1.15-pre6, Experience-Container-1.4, extra-pressure-plates-1.1.3, Fabric_RFTLBPlus1.4.4, fabric-api-0.4.24+build.279-1.15, fabric-furnaces_1.15pre4-1.2.0, fabricmod_VoxelMap-1.9.14_for_1.15.1, farmcraft-v1.0.1-build-3-19w41a, grid-1.15-fabric0.4.23-1.5, Hwyla-fabric-1.15-pre4-1.9.19-70, i-need-keybinds-0.2.1-unstable.201912010804, InventorySorter-1.6.1, Just_Another_Redstone_Gate_Mod-1.1.1, lambdacontrols-1.0.1-fabric1.15, LightOverlay-4.1-unstable.201912010451, mamiyaotaru (folder), Materialisation-2.0.0-alpha.3, modmenu-1.8.2+build.18, Mo-Glass-v1.1-MC1.15, moreberries-1.2.3, mousewheelie-1.3.9+1.15-pre5, RebornCore-1.15-4.0.25+build.28, RoughlyEnoughItems-3.2.20, simpleteleporters-2.2.0-1.15, spiketraps-2.0, tdnf-mc115-1.8.69, TechReborn-1.15-3.0.26+build.35, tinyfuel-fabric-0.2.0, toolbuilder-1.15.3, useful_backpacks-1.15.1-

  • lambdacontrols-1.0.1-fabric1.15

  • Branch [e.g. dev]

Additional context
Thanks for a great mod!


Hello, sorry for the delay, but does the bug is still there in version 1.1.0?

If yes, can you provide a video? as I don't understand correctly what's the problem is.