


No Okzoomer zoom button

TrillionDeTurtle opened this issue · 1 comments


On the curseforge page, it states "Okzoomer compatibility" is a feature
however I cannot find any way to bind a zoom key inside lambdacontrols' mod menu settings


After a cursory glance at the source code, it seems like something is going wrong in LambdaControlsCompat — specifically, LambdaControls is failing to detect the presence of Ok Zoomer for some reason. You can observe this happening by the fact that "Adding okzoomer compatibility..." is not printed to the client log.

Nothing jumps out to me as incorrect in the code, the call to FabricLoader.getInstance().isModLoaded("okzoomer")) makes sense (though I'm not really that familiar with the codebase of this mod or even Fabric as a whole — my Minecraft experience is in Bukkit ;P).

I also checked the fabric.mod.json of the latest Ok Zoomer release just to make sure nothing strange happened (such as the mod ID having changed or something).

If I have the time I'll see if I can try debugging this issue further.