


DynamicLightsInitializer is not found.

ye-yu opened this issue ยท 3 comments


As per API documentation, I should implement DynamicLightsInitializer to register my eneity with dynamic lighting, but I cannot find such interface in your mod. I am using

SHA256 Hash: 3fbae89e5a236124ddff1b6dd424b3a0fd6575570a102b9f30b2a6e5b32e1adf 
File name: lambdynamiclights-fabric-1.3.1+1.16.3.jar

I wish to use your mod as an optional mod, so it is not compulsory to use it with my mod. I load it in my dev environment by attaching your jar to my project through the IDE. Let me know if I should be using another jar file.

To fill in the rest of the template:
Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Linux
  • Minecraft: 1.16.3
  • Fabric Loader version: 0.25.0+build.415-1.16
  • Mods: None
  • Version: 1.3.1
  • Branch: mc1.16

It looks like DynamicLightsInitializer is supposed to be a part of a newer version that hasn't been released yet.

You can just call the methods in your client mod initializer. It works for me that way.


Alright, I won't close this until there is such interface in the next release.


Available in 1.3.2 now ;)