Lan Server Properties

Lan Server Properties


please update fabric 1.16.1

bradfordzhang opened this issue ยท 4 comments


please update fabric 1.16.1,I want to play with my friends.pls


Just come back to Forge, there is nothing wrong with it. If you were able to switch to Rift/Fabric without notable problems, return to Forge will be much less problematic ;)


But I have a server, there's many mods just can use Fabric, so can you pls update it?:-D


I'm not the developer of this mod, so it rather doesn't depend on me, whether this mod will support other APIs than the Forge's ones or not.

If you wish, in the meanwhile I can willingly try to provide you Forge counterparts of the mods you are using now. Simply give me the list :)


I think I should make this mod compatible by myself