


Infinite Lava "Feature"

RebelliousUno opened this issue · 0 comments


Crokoking (he/him): neat
[4:11 PM] UnoClaus: wherein you can put a bucket and a sponge in to get a bucket of lava/water and a cold/dry sponge
[4:15 PM] Crokoking (he/him): hmm. In that case you might want to tweak your lava sponge a bit so it doesn't fill unless it hits a source-block - otherwise this makes a pretty simple infinite lava-gen
[4:16 PM] Crokoking (he/him): i guess you can make infinite furnace fuel that way already ^^
[4:20 PM] UnoClaus:
public static boolean isFuel(ItemStack p_58400_) {
return net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks.getBurnTime(p_58400_, null) > 0;
[4:20 PM] UnoClaus: this is forge sending null
[4:20 PM] Crokoking (he/him): yea, that's what i thought
[4:21 PM] UnoClaus: which is weird
[4:22 PM] Crokoking (he/him): maybe just always return 16000? I doubt that would break anything
[4:24 PM] UnoClaus: yeah probably not, that's what it did before the recipe type was a thing
[4:29 PM] Crokoking (he/him): So what do you think about the whole infinite-fuel thing? That seems a bit too powerful ^^
[4:33 PM] UnoClaus: It's quite powerful, and not something I'd considered tbh
[4:33 PM] UnoClaus: But, what are the steps involved here,
Place lava, place a cold sponge, break a hot sponge, Use in a furnace, replace cold sponge
[4:34 PM] Crokoking (he/him): yea. sth that you could easily automate in modded minecraft
[4:34 PM] UnoClaus: Hot sponges don't stack, which makes it a little bit more awkward
[4:34 PM] UnoClaus: But negligible
[4:35 PM] UnoClaus: Is it game breaking for something that's essentially furnace fuel?
[4:35 PM] UnoClaus: I could make the burn time configurable?
[4:36 PM] Crokoking (he/him): hmm. a lot of mods use "furnace fuel" for the early game generators
[4:36 PM] Crokoking (he/him): and the lava-sponge has a huge burn-time
[4:37 PM] UnoClaus: 16000 is the equivalent of a block of coal I think
[4:37 PM] Crokoking (he/him): i didn't actually wait for it to get used up ^^
[4:38 PM] UnoClaus:
add(map, Items.LAVA_BUCKET, 20000);
add(map, Blocks.COAL_BLOCK, 16000);
[4:38 PM] Crokoking (he/him): As just furnace fuel it's probably not a huge issue but in combination with your squeezer getting an infinite lava source is quite powerful
[4:39 PM] UnoClaus: true
[4:39 PM] UnoClaus: You can get water out of a sponge
[4:39 PM] UnoClaus: but water isn't as powerful as lava
[4:39 PM] Crokoking (he/him): yea. you have infinite water anyway as soon as you have 2 source blocks
[4:40 PM] Crokoking (he/him): (unless you have a really evil pack)
[4:40 PM] UnoClaus: The other thing I considered, is tagging the item/block with some NBT data to denote how much lava it's sucked up
[4:41 PM] UnoClaus: Which might be a thing with the move to a squeezer, to say "This has sucked up 5 source blocks so should provide some % of 5 buckets of lava" making it lossy
[4:41 PM] UnoClaus: or "This only sucked up flowing lava so should return a miniscule amount of lava"
[4:42 PM] Crokoking (he/him): that would work, yea. An easyer fix here is probably to make the lava sponge only turn into a "full" sponge if it has sucked up a source block
[4:43 PM] UnoClaus: Have a Hot and Warm sponge
[4:43 PM] UnoClaus: If it's Warm it doesn't work as furnace fuel (but can still be cooled by Ice)
If it's hot it can work as Furnace Fuel as normal
[4:43 PM] UnoClaus: If it's Warm it can stack
[4:44 PM] UnoClaus: 🤔