Light Emitting Diode

Light Emitting Diode


Support for Instant lamps

DemonSeedxp opened this issue ยท 3 comments


MC 1.20.1
Fabric 0.16.0
led 1.6.0

Currently when the aptly named mod "Instant lamps" is running along side the led mod there is no change in the delay the led blocks have when depowered.

Recording of current behavior

I like to formally request that behavior be amended so when the instant lamps mod is installed, the led blocks also conform to the adjusted behavior of the redstone lamp.

Thank you!


Still no luck at getting this supported I see.

Any chance of this getting added any time soon?


i will not make any commitments sorry
modding is like my 30th priority i sadly have a lot of work for school and all the free time i have left over i'm either tired or spending on all my other projects
it will probably be done at some point of course (i'm not abandoning modding forever!), whether or not it's still of value to you
but all of this hinges on me

  1. having the time and
  2. using it for modding a silly block game in place of doing something productive

the truth is that i have a huge back-catalog of "things to do" and sadly minecraft is a the very bottom of this ever-growing todo

again, sorry to disappoint


Pshh no worries here man. I totally get it. Everything you just said rings true for me as well. I was merely curious. I now have my answer, and that good enough for me.