


Controller Feedback (and console parity)

G01dY05h1 opened this issue · 7 comments

  1. Block placing:

There doesn't seem to be any sort of block placing delay like on console. Without it, placing blocks with a controller feels odd. (also affects Bone Meal)

✅ 2. Interactable blocks issue:

Fixed, though the delay before the interactable block menu comes up may need to be a little longer, not a huge issue though.

(Partially ✅) 3. Crafting Buttons

Pressing the crafting menu button while in a crafting table should switch the inventory for block info, followed by the item requirement list, followed by the inventory again, [✅] Pressing Y (or triangle) should show only craftable recipes

✅4. Menu Navigation

✅5. Block Mining

✅6. Menu Snapping

Still a little janky, but is much closer to console.

✅7. Cursor Borders

ignored for mod support

✅ 8. Movement when closing a menu

✅9. Turning Jitteriness

  1. Crouching (and swimming)

When in water or flying, swimming/flying down should not use the crouch animation. (unless you are touching the ground)
If toggle crouch is on, you should not endlessly swim down or fly down (basically as if toggle crouch was off)
If you touch water with no ground under it, you should automatically uncrouch.
If you are in the swimming animation and touching the floor, you stay in the swimming animation. On console, you stop the swimming animation (also on console you can swim as long as any part of your body is in the water, not just your head)

(partially ✅) 11. Holding Y [fixed for X] in the inventory repeatedly attempts to quick move or take half
On legacy console the only inventory button that should repeat is the "What's This?" button except when you hover over a blank slot, then the "What's This?" button should do nothing and not make any sound


D-Pad snapping in a furnace should move in the direction of these lines when pressing up

More examples for wrapping up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onU3SMkdTxI

Examples for wrapping down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbXQ4tV3CJg

If you want more examples for some of these things I have mentioned, feel free to ask


Video reference for number 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sgI3A_jKE0



D-Pad snapping in a furnace should move in the direction of these lines when pressing up


D-Pad snapping in a furnace should move in the direction of these lines when pressing up

More examples for wrapping up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onU3SMkdTxI

Examples for wrapping down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbXQ4tV3CJg

Things I missed:

Pressing left or right on the fuel slot and bottom left grindstone spot takes you to the output

Left and right wrapping on beacons: top row wraps between speed and haste, middle row wraps between resistance, jump boost, regen, and (if you have it) the activated effect, strength does not wrap left or right. The check mark and the ore slot wrap left and right

Enchanting table: Moving left from the tool slot or right from the lapis spot will always take you to the top enchant, moving left from any enchant will take you back to the lapis while right wraps you to the tool slot


Inventory snapping while moving the thumbstick is still an issue


I won't be able to add borders, for reasons of compatibility with other mods that place widgets outside these limits


I won't be able to add borders, for reasons of compatibility with other mods that place widgets outside these limits

That's fair, amazing work btw. I've never seen a mod this accurate before this one.