Game crashes when attempting to trade with villagers
Traynack opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Expected Behavior
Be able to trade with villagers in desktop mode
Current Behavior
Game crashes when attempting to trade with villagers and (assuming) wandering traders
Steps to Reproduce
- Summon villager
- Trade with villager by selecting its trade and putting trade items into its inventory with the mouse.
- Game crashes
Mods Used & Game Version
Game Version: 1.20.4
Architectuary API 11.1.17+fabric
Fabric API 0.96.4+1.20.4
Legacy4J 1.20.4-1.4.4+fabric
Step 2-1. Use Legacy4J on a server without it (hypothesis)
You are probably trying auto trade on a server without the mod, my game never crashed when using the mod in a singleplayer world and not even on a dedicated server with Legacy4J. You can also manually trade with the villager/merchant as seen in #140
I initially experienced the problem in multiplayer (through manually trying to trade, because auto-trading doesn't work on multiplayer on servers without the mod. I then tried it in singleplayer to see if I have the same issue. The crash only happens when trying to manually trade (putting the item in the slot). See video for more information.
I can provide crash logs and game logs if you can't reproduce the glitch on your end, if those would help :)