The game doesn't bootup when offline
DanielMC101 opened this issue ยท 13 comments
So basically, when you're offline like if you don't have any internet, and when trying to play the mod, the game just closes when starting up.
@omo50 this could be a problem if you don't have access to internet and you really wanna play the mod
that is a very arbitrary case. offline mode is cracked, in this case just wait for wifi to turn back on
in the l4j server you also had others saying it worked fine. can you reproduce consistently?
@omo50 this could be a problem if you don't have access to internet and you really wanna play the mod
@omo50 nope, still doesn't work
@omo50 the thing is, other mods, it seems to work just fine.
you can stop @'ing me
But i doubt this will be worked out due to how it can be used to support cracked/pirated minecraft
the issue comes from you not being able to connect to mojang servers. I dont know what you want to be fixed considering offline mode is cracked minecraft. In such a niche circumstance where you're on an airplane, playing on a handheld, i think you can wait to play this mod
@omo50 dude, I'm basically saying that in scenarios where you can't have access to wifi like if u wanna play this mod on a portable device like airplane, or in a car, etc.
Only way I (or others) can help you is if you provide log and crash report to give more info
@omo50 i added the log, there's no crash report it seems like it simply just closes out upon booting