Bug - World visually ignores time skipping or adding (Fabric 1.20.4)
Chilly-roll opened this issue ยท 12 comments
Very bizarre, but if you use any time related commands or even just sleep in a bed, the game will acknowledge time being skipped, but won't show the change (exception being clocks) until you reload the world by going back into it.
First video is of the game acknowledging the time change but not showing it and the second video is showing it actually being the case with a reload
Are you using other mods with Legacy4J? What options did you use to create the world?
I've tested this on its own-- this is the fabric 1.20.4 version if that means anything. It's a standard world as well
I'll see if it's just an issue with fabric 1.20.4 on my end by seeing if it continues in the other versions of the mod available
Fabric 1.20.2 - Doesn't have this issue
Forge 1.20.2 - Doesn't have this issue
Forge 1.20.4 - Doesn't have this issue
This means there's something on Fabric's side for the 1.20.4 version since it's not an issue for me with the other three available versions of the mod. Just makes this case even weirder.. since it works fine on Forge 1.20.4
Addendum, I have no idea how I missed this, but turns out the game properly acknowledges the time change visually if you pause and then unpause after sleeping/using /time?
That's weird.. If it's working for you and not me (Heck, I even tried using the same specific versions of fabric, fabric api, and architectury as you) then I dunno what's going on. Maybe it's some sorta spec related thing?
Ok so I dunno what or why this is the case, but I managed to figure out the culprit-- I reset options.txt and.. now it works. It just works. I dunno why that of all things was the reason why this was happening but it works now. I even compared it to the old options.txt that had something to do with it and nothing seemed off whatsoever. Heck, I even enabled all the same options as the old options.txt and it STILL works. Dunno what's going on there but it's fixed.
For me, it's working normally