Legendary Tooltips [Neo/Forge]

Legendary Tooltips [Neo/Forge]


Crashes the second I hover over vanilla tools, but if hovering over modded stuff, doesn't crash at all

NewAgeSoldier opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Basically this is what I am left with from the launcher : The game crashed whilst rendering item
Error: java.lang.ClassCastException: class com.anthonyhilyard.iceberg.renderer.VertexCollector$1 cannot be cast to class me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.vertex.VertexBufferWriter (com.anthonyhilyard.iceberg.renderer.VertexCollector$1 is in module [email protected] of loader 'TRANSFORMER' @708769b7; me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.vertex.VertexBufferWriter is in module [email protected] of loader 'TRANSFORMER' @708769b7)

Crash Log will be attached to this post as well

So yeah, hope this helps :) Not sure why this happened at all, but to add, while looking in the resource packs section, it says it is not compatible at all.. I will hold off from using this mod and a couple of others until that is fixed :)


This does not resolve the problem completely but setting the value render_item_model to "NONE" in the config file legendarytooltips-common.toml prevented those crashes (although now the rotating models of tools and armours don't show)

The top of stacktrace mentions vertex something so I suspected this has something to do with rendering the rotating item icon. Hope that helps while being fixed.


I will attempt this, I will firstly attempt to put it on ALL... See if it does something different for my client, as my pack is very much custom (barely touched any configs so I can hardly call it custom), but.... The tooltip works fine with Create, Mekanism and other mods, just the base game it crashes on which is very strange to me... From here I will give you the results of each setting :

All : Crash on vanilla
Some : Crash on vanilla
None : Functional... Interesting

To add : I am using Rubidium, it has caused some funkyness with Mekanism as well, Meka Suit turns the player completely invisible if shaders are active, perhaps Rubidium is doing something here as well. Just a thought



Perhaps it has something to do with another tooltip mod I have?


Here is also the latest crash with all set on, just so you can use it for debug :)



I am also having a similar issue as well, here's my crash report



Those of you using Forge, please try updating to Iceberg 1.1.12. I believe it should fix this crash.


Those of you using Forge, please try updating to Iceberg 1.1.12. I believe it should fix this crash.

I will attempt so... Cause if that is the main cause of it... I may just stick to that version, but as the Forge version is currently 47.1.28, I will see if anything happens from there


To notify you upon Iceberg : This may be a little Curse moment


It has indeed fixed this issue :) ๐Ÿ‘


Great, thank you for verifying. I have done additional testing and I believe this is resolved.