[1.20.1] Immediate Crash on Startup v. 1.99.1 - Exit Code Crash - No Log
HalestormXV opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Updated the mod in my pack from version 1.99 to 1.99.1 and immediately get an exit code crash. So I don't have any logs to give. However, knock the mod back down to version 1.99 and it works just fine.
Modpack is here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/mageknight-chronicles
So you can see a list of the present and active mods. But as mentioned it works fine when I use version 1.99, it is only in 1.99.1 that the Crash Occurs.
Check if you have Lionfish API installed as it is a required dependency for 1.99.1