Lifesteal [Fabric/NeoForge/Forge]

Lifesteal [Fabric/NeoForge/Forge]


Player gains all health back upon re-joining the server.

Blocks789 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Minecraft Version: 1.21
Fabric Loader Version: 0.15.11
Fabric API Version: 0.100.4
Mod Version: Release 9.1.1

Whenever I happen to leave and re-join my minecraft server, all my health is gained back.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Take damage in a lifesteal server with no saturation.
  2. Leave and re-join the server
  3. Your health (not hearts) is immediately gained back.

Expected Behaviour:
My health stays as it was before leaving.

Additional context
These are my only mods on the server:


I've tested this in a singleplayer world with the same effect, (antixray, modernfix, and vcinteraction are all server-side, which i don't have in my mods folder for singleplayer)


I'll take a look soon, thank you for the report!