1.19 LightOverlay 7.0.0 errorr architectury >=2
RedMab opened this issue · 1 comments
With Minecraft 1.19 - fabric I get the following error:
- Mod 'Light Overlay' (lightoverlay) 7.0.0 requires version 2- or later of architecture, which is missing!
Here is the list of mods used:
[❌] architectury-5.5.17.jar (disabled)
[✔️] architectury-5.6.24
[✔️] cloth-config-7.0.72-fabric
[✔️] fabric-api-0.56.0+1.19
[❌] iris-mc1.19-1.2.5.jar (disabled)
[✔️] light-overlay-7.0.0
[❌] modmenu-4.0.0.jar (disabled)
[❌] shulkerboxtooltip-3.0.9-beta.1+1.19-rc2.jar (disabled)
[❌] sodium-fabric-mc1.19-0.4.2+build.16.jar (disabled)
Note: I tested with Architecture 5.5.17 and 5.56.24