Lightman's Discord Integration

Lightman's Discord Integration


Discord bot require Admin Role

NunzioArdi opened this issue ยท 1 comments


The administrator role is absolutely not required for this bot. Removing it prevents it from working or crashes the server.

I think the only permissions needed are :


You are correct, it does not need admin permissions, I was simply too lazy to actually test what permissions it needs. After doing some testing, here are the permissions it needs (and the setup guide has been updated appropriately):



  • Manage Channels: Required permission to set the #server-chat channels topic. Does not crash if not present, but it will send an error when it boots up and whenever a player logs on or off as that is when the bot will update the channels topic.
  • Read Messages/View Channels: My bot needs access to the channels so that it can read the chat messages to transmit, and process typed commands.
  • Send Messages: My bot sends chat messages...


  • Send Messages in Threads: Untested, but his would theoretically let my bot respond to any commands made within a thread.
  • Embed Links: Not having this permission should only remove the embedded portion of links sent via messages or by players in chat. I can't imagine this would prevent the links themselves from functioning normally.
  • Mention Everyone: Not strictly necessary, and disabling this should just remove any role-related pings typed by players in chat from actually pinging the role.

I will note that the Intents (mentioned here) that you need to give your bot are still 100% mandatory.

If you are still crashing even with the appropriate permissions, please list your Minecraft Version, LDI version, and attach the crash report. I cannot help you with an error if you don't include the actual error...