Suggestion: Make imbuing potions/armor have a higher cost
Akitori opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Hiya! I like the whole idea of surrounding a armor piece with potions, but i would like it if instead of using 8 potions, it would use like, 7 potions/1 nether star.
My reasoning? It kinda nullifies beacons tbh, and makes them have little to no use if you make say a regen 2/speed 2 potion.
The balancing has been a long-standing annoyance for me too. I never thought it quite expensive enough, but couldn't figure it out.
At the minute I'm working on a new version, where the potion effect gradually wears out, and you have to top it up. I like the idea of using a nether star to "lock in" that potion, so it never fades, but also can't have any more potions added to it.
I'll take this on-board in the current version and see what I can make work. You may get called upon for beta-testing ๐