Litematica (Forge)

Litematica (Forge)


Can't export .litematica file to a .schematic file

Kalisonite opened this issue ยท 6 comments


When i press the "Save Schematic" button after i have chosen Export as schematic nothing happens. I have tried restarting my game but its still a no. But, whenever i choose Export as Vanilla Structure it exports it.

Im on Minecraft version 1.15.2 using the latest version of Litematica


Exporting to the old MCEdit/Schematica *.schematic format is simply not yet implemented in the 1.13+ versions of the mod. I've been slowly working on a full block state map between 1.12 and 1.13, which would allow me to implement that feature back.

Also obviously any new blocks added in 1.13 or later will simply vanish if you export into the old format, since they didn't exist and have IDs in 1.12. And exporting new builds from 1.13+ to that old format should be of pretty limited use. What would you need that format for?


I was trying to get the schematic building feature of Baritone to work. I have tried .litematic but it doesn't work.


I'll try using Amulet, thank you. Thanks for your work overall on litematica as well.


@maruohon any update on this?


@PatrixML There will not be an update until Masa merges all of his mods forwards from 1.12, this is most likely not going to happen soon because he is still doing active work on 1.12 and most likely wont bring the changes forwards until he is done with the current version.


Schematic conversions will probably get at least a temporary solution before then though.

But depending on the format you actually need, you can either paste it to a temporary world and save it with World Edit in 1.13+ to get a Sponge schematic (*.schem), or you can paste it to a temporary world and use the Amulet program (the new MCEdit for 1.13+) to downgrade that temporary world to 1.12 and then use Litematica or Schematica or MCEdit to save it in the old *.schematic format.