block place postition
lllWinchesterlll opened this issue ยท 3 comments
is there any way to click on the block and put it in the correct schematic position?
yes, I use this function, but I wanted the block to be in the correct orientation even if I turned the wrong way!
It sounds like you want to use the Easy Place mode? Using that you can just right click on the schematic blocks to place them. It does click on the target position's air block, so some spigot/paper servers might not allow that.
It does try to auto-rotate the blocks, but it currently needs another mod to handle that request. In single player simply having Tweakeroo installed does that, on a server you would currently need CarpetExtra (and FabricCarpet) and the accurateBlockPlacement
rule enabled. And also not all blocks are supported yet in the protocol.