Litematica (Forge)

Litematica (Forge)


Crash to desktop when joining a server.

Souls2 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


When I join a server with litematica and malilib installed, it tries to load the world normally but crashes to desktop immediately after. EDIT: I'm using fabric loader on version 1.16.5. EDIT2: After completely reinstalling minecraft, I've narrowed the issue down to litematica being incompatible with my minimap mod (Voxelmap)



Looks like it actually crashes via Optifine:

java.lang.NullPointerException: Unexpected error
	at net.optifine.CustomColors.getWorldSkyColor(
	at net.minecraft.class_758.method_3210(
	at com.mamiyaotaru.voxelmap.Map.getSkyColor(
	at com.mamiyaotaru.voxelmap.Map.calculateCurrentLightAndSkyColor(

However I don't know why it would only happen with Litematica present... I would think VoxelMap should not be trying to do anything with the schematic world, and I don't see Litematica stuff in the stack trace.

Is it possible to somehow disable that custom sky color stuff from Optifine?


Since this crash does not happen to everyone using Litematica + VoxelMap + Optifine, I think it may be related to some resource pack feature involving custom sky textures or colors or whatever Optifine provides there. If you have some kind of (sky) resource pack active, try if disabling it fixes the crash.


Looks like it actually crashes via Optifine:

java.lang.NullPointerException: Unexpected error
	at net.optifine.CustomColors.getWorldSkyColor(
	at net.minecraft.class_758.method_3210(
	at com.mamiyaotaru.voxelmap.Map.getSkyColor(
	at com.mamiyaotaru.voxelmap.Map.calculateCurrentLightAndSkyColor(

However I don't know why it would only happen with Litematica present... I would think VoxelMap should not be trying to do anything with the schematic world, and I don't see Litematica stuff in the stack trace.

Is it possible to somehow disable that custom sky color stuff from Optifine?

Well without voxelmap in the mods folder it worked great, I could load schematics and play the server just fine, but I disabled Custom Sky and Custom Colors in the optifine Quality settings, then installed a version of voxelmap that my friend uses (he has just about the same mods I do but with different versions, he never crashes), and now I'm back to crashing and getting the same error. [Image is of my friend's installed mods]


Since this crash does not happen to everyone using Litematica + VoxelMap + Optifine, I think it may be related to some resource pack feature involving custom sky textures or colors or whatever Optifine provides there. If you have some kind of (sky) resource pack active, try if disabling it fixes the crash.

I'm using the default texture pack with no shaders on a completely fresh install of minecraft, so far the only thing that's different from being able to play just fine with no problems and crashing to desktop is whether or not I have voxelmap installed. I uninstall it and everything works great, I even installed xaero's minimap and it's loading perfectly fine.