Litematica (Forge)

Litematica (Forge)


Login again keep the paste schematic progress and fix a bug

NekoCurit opened this issue · 0 comments


Minecraft Version: 1.18.2 fabric
Litematca Version: 0.11.3
[My English may not well.]
When I use the paste schematic in world on minecraft server.I modified the configuration(pasteCommandLimit and pasteCommandInterval) because of server restrictions.This solved my problem of being kicked out. But it is very slow to paste the schematic in minecraft server.Under the influence of other reasons, I may still be kicked.When I login again, but the litematica menu(M) cannot open.(There is a bug.)
I am not the owner of that server, so I cannot edit the server configuration. I only have permission to use fill and setblock command.
Enter the server again after I restart the client.I use the paste schematic in world.I found that all the pasted parts will be pasted again.([21:18:50] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] 没有方块被填充(No blocks are filled))
This is very annoying for me because the schematic is very large.

I advice to add a function to save the copy progress or Check the blocks before paste (if the same, do not paste)