Litematica (Forge)

Litematica (Forge)


Rotational blockplacement in easyplace mode

CheatedJack opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I've been building a map art with my friend and we used birch logs. Unfortunatly they are not placed with the correct orientation in easy place mode.
We tried working around it by sneaking to the edge of the block we were standing on in order to look in the right direction to place the block correctly. This however is very slow and not always possible and therefor quiet frustrating.
So I thought it would be a really useful feature to have a setting that enables placing blocks in the correct direction in easy place mode. I don't think this should include any other nbt data modifications like extended pistons, but I might be missing something useful.
(please excuse any spelling mistakes, because english is not my first language)


The short version is, that Easy Place mode does auto-rotate blocks, if it's possible for the mod to do it. On servers by default it's "not possible" (*) as the current implementation for auto-rotation on servers needs a server-side mod to do the rotation.

See here for more details:

* Faking the player rotation is possible in MC 1.13+, but the Easy Place mode doesn't currently do that yet. However I'm surprised if it also doesn't currently even do the click side that would be enough for Logs and Quartz Pillars and such that only care about the block side you click on.