Litematica (Forge)

Litematica (Forge)


Add an option to disable automatic restock of items from the inventory when using pickblock as it is interfering with Anticheats on Servers

arutsch opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I wanted to use the pickblock feature to build schematics on a server but the server doesnt allow the automatic restock of items from the inventory in specific.

So it would be great if there was a toggle option in the general config menu to disable or enable the auto restock of items from the inventory to the Hotbar.

And it would be also nice to have an option like with the easyplacemode where you can toggle whether the hot key must be held or pressed every time to swap the hotbar slot.


I might add a dedicated option for this later. For now you can clear the pickBlockableSlots config/text field to basically now allow the mod to move items to any hotbar slots. Pick block will still work for any items that you already have in your hotbar.

I'm not sure if that's what you mean by the last point, but the later development code (currently only in 1.12.2) has a pickBlockAuto option, which doesn't require any hotkey presses to do pick block, it happens automatically when you are about to place a block. You can also get effectively the same behavior in the current 1.13+ mod versions when you bind pickBlockLast to right click (or whatever your vanilla use key is).


Oh, cool. Thank you for looking into it and the hint!