Issue with Saving the NBT data of Command Blocks while using Litematica
TheSycorax opened this issue ยท 2 comments
I have some command blocks builds I would like to transfer from a realm to a single player world.
When I use Litematica to do that, it dose not preserve the NBT data of the command blocks. How can I go about doing that an is there anyway to help implement this feature in the next version of Litematica?
I'm not sure if this will work but try opening the screen of the command block before you save the litematic, otherwise it won't be possible i believe
I'm not sure if this will work but try opening the screen of the command block before you save the litematic, otherwise it won't be possible i believe
Well in that case the feature could be implemented , For example, when Litematica is saving a Minecraft build and see's that there is a Command Block, the "data get block" command can be run by Litematica for that specific Command Block, in order to get the NBT data of it, which will then be saved to the schematic.