Litematica Printer

Litematica Printer


can we get a server side option to stop this from working?

techd84 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I am a staffer on a larger MC server that is having a real issue with people trying to use this when its against the rule. We would like to allow litematica back on the server but not if people can uses the printer. If you have a way for servers to stop the printer for working on client side that would be greatly appreciated.


Sorry to hear that. It's a quite simple modification to the litematica printer, so there is really no way of disabling it on certain servers though (as with any mod). I haven't looked into this, but if it's possible to somehow identify server-side what mods are being used using a small tweak to the mod, eg. the client announcing it's mods or something, I could integrate such changes via a pr.