- 5
The game crashes when i try to look at material list of the schematic
#855 opened by seb1noo - 3
Minecraft 1.21 Crashed after deleting blocks with area editor
#863 opened by Carlosglez-vanliempt - 10
1.21 Support
#857 opened by JayanAXHF - 0
Use consistent Tool Mode language in the HUD and the main menu
#858 opened by ejm554 - 2
Certain Action Causes Loading World Crashes 1.21
#859 opened by burnt-bacon - 4
Crash on save schmeatic
#860 opened by HDWCdev - 4
litematica 1.20.6
#861 opened by bullerjo1 - 1
Horizontal layers
#862 opened by joacohur - 1
Double chests sometimes get split into 2 single chests when using easy place mode
#866 opened by michael-mac-donald - 9
Config Menu doesn't pop-up when M+A(/A)(/M) is held!
#864 opened by MrScarfy - 1
Option to make functionally identical blocks interchangable in some way
#865 opened by TheCommandoChicken - 13
1.21 Scroll wheel not working
#867 opened by CreefYT - 15
1.21 Litematica (Sakura) easy place mode not working and if i set numpad key to keybind also doesnt work
#871 opened by harrobe123 - 5
Crash when loading/rendering any schematic
#873 opened by Hitaxas - 3
.schematic files not load
#874 opened by KyleAnder972 - 3
Can't see schematic while underwater (1.21)
#872 opened by ResistVR - 2
Rotate schematic keybind
#875 opened by M0rre - 1
Crash when using Litematica with Valkyrien Skies mod
#876 opened by Voltarix1 - 2
Need help with pasting
#878 opened by dosetapped - 1
Update to 1.21
#879 opened by MC-datapack - 2
Schematic Verifier is not that useful
#886 opened by FASTB1mc - 2
Не работает палка и не отображаються режимы хотя в настройках написано палка
#880 opened by Evgeha69 - 5
Game crashed when loading schem
#881 opened by ZR500014 - 0
The schematic does not load above 319 height
#883 opened by zxcOvosh - 8
The schematic does not load above 319 height
#884 opened by zxcOvosh - 1
Schematic Placement Rendering Crashes the Game
#885 opened by MEEPofFaith - 0
Misinterpret the shape: inner_right and inner_left of stairs
#887 opened by Psychodeus - 6
schematic hologram is not appearing.
#888 opened by 123connect123 - 9
Litemetica isnt Loading
#891 opened by mrcool7387 - 1
Game Freezes for 10-15 Seconds When Entering Nether with Large Schematics
#892 opened by arsn98 - 2
Minecraft freezes for 10-15 seconds when entering nether with large schematica
#893 opened by arsn98 - 1
litmetica stuck on remaining chunks
#894 opened by oxriginal - 0
when I am pasting in a schamatic it creates ghost blocks every time i try to place
#896 opened by Elsoviente - 4
copycat+ blocks not showing on litematics 1.20.1
#897 opened by Kieran135642 - 1
Could you please add the ja_jp.json I created to the lang folder?
#895 opened by Misosoup-jp - 5
NullPointerException when rendering a schematic placement
#898 opened by dantdmdarealguy - 1
A bug with the text
#900 opened by VonikGH - 2
A bug with the text
#899 opened by VonikGH - 2
Schematic Overlay not properly rendering on 1.18.2 Fabric
#904 opened by mkdir-saint52 - 0
I can't false easy place first
#901 opened by Alex-pec - 2
Bug in material list
#902 opened by Psychodeus - 0
When there's a litematica render, it spams the minecraft log/console.
#903 opened by AxolotlBro - 1
Overlapping Schematics don't render
#907 opened by GamermelonCA - 0
Not compatible with Amandements, the blocks are missing in render
#905 opened by Psychodeus - 1
Easy place mode is a scam, it took 12 lantern of mine
#906 opened by Psychodeus - 0
Material list bugged with multiplied
#908 opened by Psychodeus - 0
How to always place stairs facing the correct way.
#909 opened by StamAdam - 2
Origin is ignored when loading old .schematic files
#911 opened by kargaroc - 3
[Request] Rotate Schematic on X Axis
#910 opened by JoLiKMC - 2
Empty box of chematics and same for material list
#912 opened by Arkusis