- 3
schematica is not avaible in minecraft controls
#121 opened by AlekFrero - 2
Area selection moving with mouse movement (visual glitch)
#120 opened by r1ckrck - 2
NBT decoding
#119 opened by SuhEugene - 1
Some stupid Test
#118 opened by TerraAltenate - 2
Rebuild with slabs inverted
#117 opened - 3
Changing other block states in rebuild mode
#116 opened by tiffany352 - 1
When using easyPlaceMode and it has to switch between items it frequently thinks there's no item to place, while there still is an item in the inventory
#113 opened by viktor40 - 4
1.15.2(Fabric with Optfine) When i opened the Area Selection Browser, the game crashed:(
#112 opened by vae9696 - 4
Automatically generate Litematica file
#111 opened by egorprnn - 7
All hotkeys were disabled after switching input methods
#110 opened by SpiritedAwayCN - 0
Crash on launch when Optifabric is installed
#109 opened by tobilinz - 6
Can't export .litematica file to a .schematic file
#108 opened by Kalisonite - 1
Issue - Unable to place blocks when Placement Restriction is on if the block is renamed
#107 opened by balt-dev - 1
Easy placement mode conflicts with Tweakaroo's angel block tweak
#106 opened by rzjnzk - 5
Should not set gamerule on a server to silence Command Feedback, instead suppress client-side
#105 opened by OscarVanL - 2
1.15 wont work?
#104 opened by Toffelz - 9
how do i convert .nbt files to .schematic ?
#103 opened by MrJeffOfficial - 8
Failed to load schematic
#102 opened by iCentricks - 1
#101 opened by Ryzz3nn - 23
Carpets are missing from a .nbt file
#100 opened by MrJeffOfficial - 2
I cant setup
#99 opened by OwerWorldPlayer - 4
wierd crash caused by litematica and malilib.
#98 opened by scrapyardrobot - 9
Save/place items inside tile entities
#97 opened by Andrews54757 - 8
Fill to Schematic feature
#96 opened by Andrews54757 - 2
Material List / Cropping build silhouette
#95 opened by Grqcless - 11
#94 opened by Andrews54757 - 3
My Schematic model is not shown in normal game!
#93 opened by LJIT-WD - 2
I changed a keybind to open the menu
#91 opened by Icebluewolf - 1
[SUGGESTION] Force paste placement (outside the world bound)
#90 opened by KabanFriends - 2
Issue with Saving the NBT data of Command Blocks while using Litematica
#89 opened by TheSycorax - 3
Add an alternate folder as a schematics folder
#88 opened by Vresod - 7
Usability and user interface improvements (discussion and feedback)
#86 opened by ToxicShourin - 7
Schematics not showing blocks properly in render
#85 opened by harryfrodsham - 2
How to rotate schematic plzz help
#84 opened by ozzybenzon - 4
Entities from schematics do not paste because of incorrect command
#83 opened by BerdinskiyBear - 3
I cant instal
#82 opened by Ezgon - 3
Litematica files wont work
#81 opened by Cheefu - 5
it crash instantly, no crash report
#80 opened by satoru101 - 1
How do I load schematics to litematica?
#79 opened by eewalktub - 6
Game crashed
#78 opened by ArchAzraeI - 8
Litematica causes replays by ReplayMod to lose the outer layer of a skin
#77 opened by SurpriseTea - 16
Option to disable or configure hud messages like: "Action prevented by Placement Restriction mode"
#76 opened by dk88711 - 19
Allow servers' owners to block the mod
#75 opened by DmitryRendov - 0
Allow servers' owners to block the mod
#74 opened by hs-rendov - 47
Litematica not showing schematica properly
#73 opened by schomm - 2
Fabric Mod Cannot be loaded
#72 opened by 3FeetHigh - 5
Materials list not updating
#71 opened by schomm - 4
Saving issues : "missing chunks"
#70 opened by parandar - 3
ConcurrentModificationException in Fabric 1.14.4
#69 opened by Kermalis - 3
Litematica+gm3+end portal breaks F3 menu
#68 opened by SunSerega