Lithium (Fabric)

Lithium (Fabric)


Mixins logs a warning that some inner-class targets are public and should be referenced directly

K0-RR opened this issue ยท 4 comments


[main/WARN]: @mixin target net/minecraft/class_3962$class_3963 is public in lithium.mixins.json:alloc.composter.ComposterMixin$ComposterBlockComposterInventoryMixin and should be specified in value


this error is most likely known and doesn't matter


I know but I trying to make mods spam the console less.


This is a harmless warning, though I'm not sure why it gets logged since the mentioned class is protected and can't be referenced directly. Per Mixin's documentation, our usage seems correct:

     * Since specifying targets in {@link #value} requires that the classes be
     * publicly visible, this property is provided to allow package-private,
     * anonymous innner, and private inner classes to be referenced. Referencing
     * an otherwise public class using this property is an error condition and
     * will throw an exception at runtime. It is completely fine to specify both
     * public and private targets for the same mixin however.
     * @return protected or package-private classes this mixin targets

If anyone makes a PR that fixes these warnings, I will merge it.