game crashes while player is moving in the world with betterchunkloading
Mr-Squid42 opened this issue · 8 comments
version: lithium-fabric-mc1.21-0.12.7
steps to re-create:
- launch up a world with both lithium and betterchunkloading
- move around, after a while, often a couple of seconds, game crashes.
Can confirm.
Lithium 1.21-0.13.0
Fabric API 0.102.0
Fabric Loaded 0.16.0
From betterchunkloading's author : "better chunk loading is just adding a Ticket, while lithiums coremodding fails"
Unclear how this happens unless adding the ticket is done via an unusual path or the ticket is modified after being added
Issue still happens.
yep, still happens
Workaround available here (needs to be tested/confirmed)