Little Logistics

Little Logistics


Refactor Tug/Barge stalling code in to a Capability

EDToaster opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Right now, stalling is induced by the tugboats itself, and if you want to induce stalling from an outside source, it requires some finicky type-casting and checking

If we refactor this behaviour out in to a Capability, we will be able to use this behaviour on the locomotives as well, and it makes Create compatibility a whole heck of a lot easier.

The plan is to support 3 different modes of stalling

  1. Docking (x,y,z,dir) where the front tug is stopped
  2. Stalling, where the front tug is "turned off", but will keep drifitng
  3. Freezing, where the whole train is frozen (useful for create contraptions)