Little Logistics

Little Logistics


Fluid hoppers dont take lava from Cauldrons

IvorAmlug opened this issue ยท 1 comments


So first of all awesome mod. Kinda gives me those Factorio train Track building fells but ive seem to have a tiny, Well Question here:
Now idk if this is just not implemented or a bug but my Fluid hoppes dont seem to intake from cauldrons above them.
That makes my plans for faster auto lava farming a bit useless ig.
So i rly wondered if its a thing and im Just to stupid or if thats something not yet implementet.

Forge 1.18.2 40.1.31
Little Logistics 1.18.2 1.2.5
Anyways not that big of a deal for know ill try to find another way to automaticly empty those cauldrons


The reason for this is technical, vanilla claudrons aren't fluid holders in the same way as fluid tanks etc from other mods, and there isn't really a nice way to handle them with hoppers. It won't work unless forge changes claudrons to be tile entities with fluid handler capability