Little Logistics

Little Logistics


issue with server config forge 1.18.2

itsdinkd opened this issue ยท 7 comments

[16Jun2022 16:29:12.001] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec/CORE]: Configuration file G:\mc\Instances\AQM3 1.18.2\saves\New World (1)\serverconfig\littlelogistics-server.toml is not correct. Correcting
[16Jun2022 16:29:12.001] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec/CORE]: Incorrect key vessel.general.vesselInvuln was corrected from [create.mechanical_saw, create.mechanical_drill] to its default, [create.mechanical_saw, create.mechanical_drill]. 
[16Jun2022 16:29:12.001] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec/CORE]: Incorrect key train.general.trainInvuln was corrected from [create.mechanical_saw, create.mechanical_drill] to its default, [create.mechanical_saw, create.mechanical_drill]. 

makes zero sense as its literally correcting its default value, which is also wrong (the name space is incorrect)


Could you please explain what you mean by "the namespace is incorrect"

I am a bit confused by the error message, not sure why it's triggered or what it means.

The string values in the list are correct, they are the IDs/msg names of DamageSources related to those create actors, not IDs of blocks or entities


Had a better look at this, the reason for this issue is that we aren't calling the right define method in the config for lists. Will be fixed in the next release.


Had a better look at this, the reason for this issue is that we aren't calling the right define method in the config for lists. Will be fixed in the next release.

in the default config you wrote create.mechanical_saw where it should be create:mechanical_saw.

You cannot change it in the file because if you do the config gets reset again and will write in "create.mechanical.blade"

The problem is you used a "." after the modid, create, instead of a ":"


The commit is still incorrect.


Should be


@itsdinkd no this is in fact correct. This is a damage source name not an entity ID or anything. Damage source "names" were defined with a dot by create, unless this changed in 0.5.

The correction issue should be fixed in 1.2.6, it was unrelated to the namespace and was because validation was because config lists were defined incorrectly. If you can reproduce this issue in 1.2.6 please let me know


Ah I see. Thank you for the clarification and the fix