Little Logistics

Little Logistics


Console keeps trying to correct the config file but never does. Results in massive server lag.

cleavercp opened this issue ยท 1 comments


My servers console keeps pinging this none-stop.

[02Aug2022 11:32:58.258] [Thread-0/WARN] [net.minecraftforge.fml.config.ConfigFileTypeHandler/CONFIG]: Configuration file /var/games/minecraft/servers/AllTheMods7/./world/serverconfig/littlelogistics-server.toml is not correct. Correcting

What can I do to make it stop?


This is a duplicate of #193. Will be patched in the next update. My impression was that this only happens on start up, and certainly shouldn't cause "massive server lag". Not quite sure what's the root cause of the lag, but I will try to roll out an update out asap if this is indeed the reason

How often are you seeing these messages?