Little Logistics

Little Logistics


mc1.18.2 - v1.2.5 server config error spewing

HelpImDying opened this issue ยท 1 comments


When staring a server on either Unbutu 20.04 LTS forge-1.18.2-40.1.68 the Little Logistics mod start spewing an error. Shortly after the world starts generating the little logistics mod start spewing "/world/serverconfig/littlelogistics-server.toml is not correct. Correcting". The mod is making creating the file than complaining about the file just created than making a backup and recreated an identical file.
I have added a txt extension to the two of the config files



This was fixed in the last release, please update the mod. You should be able to just update the jar on the server to fix the issue, without waiting for a pack update

Duplicate of #193